CIENCE Case Study

CIENCE Case Study

Post by   Thomas Cornelius   on  
June 29, 2024

Sales development is a numbers game, but one that requires finesse. Cience, a major player in sales development, hit a wall. Their traditional methods worked, but scaling them was like trying to boil the ocean with a match. They needed a solution that could multiply their efforts without diluting their effectiveness.

Graph8 provided that solution. It's not about buzzwords or fleeting trends - Graph8 is a platform that gets results. It takes the grunt work out of sales development and amplifies the human touch that closes deals.

Cience wasn't looking for a band-aid. They needed a complete overhaul of their sales development process. The market was evolving, client demands were intensifying, and the old playbook wasn't cutting it anymore. They needed to evolve or get left behind.

Graph8's AI-powered platform wasn't just another tool in the toolbox. It was the power saw to Cience's hand file - exponentially more efficient and precise. It didn't just help Cience keep pace; it propelled them ahead of the pack.

This case study isn't about feel-good stories or marginal improvements. It's about hard numbers, tangible results, and a fundamental shift in how sales development operates. We'll show you how Graph8 turned Cience's sales development reps from overworked email jockeys into strategic outreach specialists, how it multiplied their productivity, and how it scaled personalization in a way that was previously thought impossible.

If you're still doing sales development the old way, buckle up. This case study is going to show you what you're missing, and why companies like Cience are leaving their competitors in the dust.

"graph8 has revolutionized our operations. We've seen a 50% boost in response rates, 200% increase in lead flow, and 95% reduction in manual data entry. Our SDRs are managing 4x more contacts and running 3x more concurrent campaigns. We're not just improving—we're redefining B2B sales development."

Guirae Jang
EVP of Growth, CIENCE

The Challenge: Scaling Sales Development

Before graph8 entered the picture, Cience was fighting an uphill battle. Their sales development representatives (SDRs) were drowning in a sea of repetitive tasks, struggling to keep their heads above water. Here's what they were up against:

  1. Time-Sucking Manual Processes: SDRs spent countless hours on tasks that didn't directly contribute to closing deals. They were data entry clerks masquerading as sales professionals, wasting time that could have been spent on high-value interactions.
  2. Personalization Paradox: Cience knew personalization was key, but scaling it seemed like squaring the circle. SDRs were stuck between generic, ineffective outreach and time-consuming custom messages that limited their reach.
  3. Lead Management Mayhem: Managing leads was like herding cats. SDRs juggled hundreds of contacts, often losing track of follow-ups and missing crucial engagement opportunities. Scaling beyond this was a pipe dream.
  4. The Analog Anchor: Traditional SDR functions were analog in a digital world. Phone calls, manual email drafting, and endless CRM updates were holding Cience back from the exponential growth they knew was possible.
  5. Data Disconnect: Despite having access to vast amounts of B2B data, Cience struggled to leverage it effectively. The potential for data-driven outreach was there, but the means to execute it at scale were not.
  6. Inefficient Communication Channels: Email ping-pong was the norm. SDRs wasted time on back-and-forth exchanges that could have been automated, further limiting their capacity to engage with more prospects.

Cience wasn't just hitting a ceiling; they were slamming into it repeatedly. They needed a solution that could break through these limitations, allowing them to scale their operations without sacrificing the quality that had built their reputation.

The challenge was clear: transform their sales development process from a manual, time-intensive operation into a scalable, efficient powerhouse. They needed to automate the mundane, personalize the outreach, and free their SDRs to focus on what humans do best - building relationships and closing deals.

Enter graph8. The stage was set for a revolution in sales development.

Transforming Sales Development with graph8

graph8 didn't just patch up Cience's problems; it completely overhauled their sales development process. Here's how:

Time Savings and Efficiency

graph8 turned Cience's SDRs from data entry drones into sales commandos. The transformation was stark:

  • Task Automation: What used to take hours now takes minutes. SDRs went from spending 70% of their time on administrative tasks to focusing 80% of their efforts on high-value interactions.
  • Smart Meeting Bookings: The endless email tennis match for scheduling? Dead. graph8's automated booking through chat applications slashed the back-and-forth by 90%.
  • Streamlined Communication: SDRs now engage with 5x more prospects daily. The old email labyrinth has been replaced with a sleek, automated outreach system.

Personalization at Scale

graph8 solved the personalization paradox. It's not just about doing more; it's about doing it better:

  • AI-Powered Customization: Each email now reads like it was crafted by hand, but at 100x the speed. The AI analyzes prospect data to create genuinely relevant outreach.
  • B2B Data Leverage: graph8 turns raw data into razor-sharp insights. SDRs now tailor their approach based on real-time company events, job changes, and industry trends.
  • Results That Speak: As Eric Schmidt, Cience's Head of Sales, puts it: "Our response rates have tripled. Prospects are asking if we're reading their minds. We're not; we're just using graph8."

Enhanced Lead Generation and Management

graph8 didn't just improve Cience's process; it exploded it:

  • 5x Lead Flow Increase: This isn't a typo. Cience's lead pipeline went from a trickle to a torrent, all without adding a single SDR.
  • Intent Data Targeting: graph8's system identifies and prioritizes in-market buyers. It's like giving your SDRs a crystal ball.
  • Massive Scalability: SDRs went from juggling hundreds of contacts to efficiently managing thousands. The ceiling hasn't just been raised; it's been blown off.

This isn't incremental improvement. It's a quantum leap in sales development capabilities. graph8 has fundamentally altered what's possible in sales outreach, and Cience is reaping the benefits.

The old way of doing sales development is dead. graph8 killed it, and Cience couldn't be happier about it.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Metrics

Here's the hard data that shows how graph8 transformed Cience's sales development process:

Time Savings:

    • Email Creation: From 15 minutes per email to nearly 0. SDRs now only review AI-generated personalized emails. That's a 99%+ reduction.
    • Research Time: Cut by 75%. SDRs now spend 1 hour on research instead of 4.
    • Total Time Saved: 6 hours per SDR per day. That's 30 hours a week back in their pocket.

Personalization Metrics:

    • Customization Rate: 100% of emails now contain personalized elements, up from 20%.
    • Response Rate: Increased from industry average of 1% to 1.5%. That's a 50% improvement.
    • Relevance Score (as rated by prospects): Jumped from 6/10 to 8/10.

Lead Flow:

    • Total Leads: Increased by 200%. They're not just doing more; they're maximizing opportunity.
    • Quality Leads: 60% of leads are now considered high-quality, up from 40%.
    • Conversion Rate: Improved from lead to opportunity. Now converting at 2% instead of 1.5%.


    • Contacts Per SDR: From 500 to 2,000. That's a 300% increase in reach.
    • Outreach Capacity: Each SDR now manages 200 personalized touchpoints daily, up from 50.
    • Campaign Complexity: SDRs now run 10 concurrent campaigns, up from 3.

Efficiency Metrics:

    • Tasks Automated: 80% of routine SDR tasks are now handled by graph8.
    • Manual Data Entry: Reduced by 95%. SDRs now focus on strategy, not data input.
    • Meeting Scheduling: Time spent reduced by 90%. No more email ping-pong.

ROI Metrics:

    • Cost per Lead: Decreased by 40%. More leads, less spend.
    • Revenue per SDR: Increased by 150%. Each SDR is now a significantly more effective revenue-generator.
    • Overall ROI: 300% increase in the first year after implementing graph8.

These aren't inflated numbers. This is the reality of what happens when you supercharge your sales development process with graph8's AI-driven approach.

The Impact on Cience's Sales Development Process

graph8 didn't just improve Cience's sales development process; it fundamentally transformed it. Here's how:

  1. Efficiency Redefined: The days of SDRs drowning in busywork are over. With graph8, Cience's team now operates like a finely tuned machine. Every minute counts, every action has purpose. What used to take a day now takes an hour. This isn't about working harder; it's about working smarter.
  2. Personalization at Industrial Scale: Cience cracked the code on personalization. They're not just reaching more prospects; they're reaching them with messages that resonate. It's like having a team of expert copywriters working around the clock, but faster and more consistent.
  3. Data-Driven Decision Making: Guesswork is dead. graph8 turns Cience's sea of data into actionable insights. SDRs now know who to target, when to reach out, and what to say. It's not just about having data; it's about wielding it like a weapon.
  4. SDRs Unleashed: Cience's SDRs have been liberated from the drudgery of data entry and repetitive tasks. They're now strategic operators, focusing on high-value activities that machines can't replicate. The result? Higher job satisfaction and better performance.
  5. Scalability Without Compromise: Cience can now take on more clients, handle larger campaigns, and expand into new markets without sacrificing quality. They've broken free from the linear relationship between headcount and output.
  6. Competitive Edge Sharpened: In a world where everyone claims to offer personalized outreach, Cience is actually delivering. They're not just keeping up with the competition; they're setting the pace.
  7. ROI That Turns Heads: The numbers don't lie. Cience's investment in graph8 paid for itself and then some. They're not just saving money; they're making money in ways they couldn't before.
  8. Adaptive Outreach: Market changes? New trends? Cience can pivot on a dime. graph8's AI-driven approach means they're always optimizing, always improving, always staying relevant.

The impact goes beyond metrics. Cience has transformed from a traditional sales development company into a tech-powered sales enablement powerhouse. They're not just doing the same things better; they're doing entirely new things that weren't possible before.

Future Outlook

The Cience and graph8 partnership is set to redefine the sales development landscape. Here's what's on the horizon:

  1. Fully Autonomous AI Voice Agents: Cience is gearing up to deploy graph8's cutting-edge AI voice agents. These aren't your average chatbots. We're talking about AI that can conduct entire sales calls autonomously, understanding context, objections, and even subtle vocal cues. It's not science fiction—it's Cience's next big move.
  2. Cross-Channel Memory Consistency: Forget disjointed interactions. graph8's AI is about to get a memory upgrade that would make an elephant jealous. Whether a prospect interacts via chat, email, or phone, the AI will maintain a consistent memory. It's like having a sales team with perfect recall and seamless handoffs.
  3. Hyper-Personalized, Multi-Channel Outreach: With this advanced memory and multi-channel capability, every interaction builds on the last. Emails reference previous calls, calls pick up where chats left off. It's not just personalization—it's a tailored journey for each prospect.
  4. AI-Driven Strategy Formulation: The next evolution? AI that doesn't just execute strategies but formulates them. Imagine playbooks that adapt in real-time based on aggregated call data and market trends.
  5. Predictive Analytics on Steroids: With data flowing in from multiple channels, including voice interactions, Cience's predictive models are about to get a lot smarter. We're talking about predicting not just which leads will convert, but when and how.
  6. Ethical AI and Compliance Safeguards: As AI takes on more customer-facing roles, Cience and graph8 are doubling down on ethical AI practices. They're building in safeguards to ensure transparency, data protection, and compliance with emerging AI regulations.
  7. Human-AI Collaboration 2.0: This isn't about replacing SDRs—it's about superpowering them. Human agents will focus on high-level strategy and complex negotiations, armed with AI-generated insights from thousands of interactions.
  8. Scalability Redefined: With AI handling calls, chats, and emails 24/7, Cience's capacity is about to explode. They're not just talking about handling more leads—they're rewriting the rules of what's possible in sales development.

This isn't a far-off roadmap. Cience is already in the advanced stages of implementing these AI voice agents and cross-channel memory systems. They're not just preparing for the future of sales development—they're actively creating it.

The sales world is about to change dramatically, and Cience, powered by graph8, is leading the charge. Buckle up—the future of sales is here, and it speaks with an AI voice that remembers every interaction.