Unparalleled B2B and B2C Data

Exceptional data quality and coverage for the most actionable business intelligence at your fingertips.

Professional and Consumer Profiles

Our vast repository of over 200 million profiles provides unparalleled depth and breadth in both B2B and B2C markets. This extensive database enables precise targeting and personalization, allowing you to reach the right individuals with tailored messaging across various industries and demographics.

Company Records Analyzed

With insights from more than 30 million company records, we offer a comprehensive view of the business landscape. This rich dataset empowers you to identify potential clients, partners, or competitors, and make informed decisions based on accurate, up-to-date company information.

Data Points Processed Daily

Our advanced data processing capabilities handle over 1 billion data points every day, ensuring that our information remains current and relevant. This continuous influx and analysis of data allows us to capture emerging trends, update contact information, and provide you with the most recent and actionable insights for your business strategies.

Comprehensive Data

Graph8 offers an unparalleled fusion of B2B and B2C data, providing a 360-degree view of your market landscape. Our comprehensive coverage bridges the gap between professional and personal insights, enabling you to create highly targeted and effective strategies that resonate with decision-makers both in their professional capacities and as individual consumers.

B2B Insights
  • Extensive Professional Profiles
  • Rich Company Information
  • Verified Business Contact Details
B2C Intelligence
  • In-depth Consumer Profiles
  • Validated Personal Contact Information
  • Demographic and Lifestyle Indicators

Data Quality Assurance

Source & Curate

We gather business and consumer information from multiple trusted sources using advanced technologies.

Transform & Verify

Our sophisticated AI and machine learning algorithms process and validate data in real-time.

Monitor & Update

Continuous monitoring ensures data freshness, with updates made as soon as changes are detected.

Privacy and Security

Graph8 is committed to the highest standards of data privacy and security. Our practices comply with major data protection regulations, ensuring you can trust the integrity and compliance of our data. We employ state-of-the-art encryption, access controls, and regular audits to safeguard our data assets, allowing you to leverage our insights with confidence while mitigating regulatory risks and protecting your reputation.


Powering Your Go-to-Market Strategy

Supercharge your market approach with Graph8's data-driven insights. Our comprehensive intelligence empowers you to navigate the complex business landscape with precision and agility, giving you a decisive edge in today's competitive markets. By leveraging our rich data ecosystem, you can:

Identify and reach decision-makers
Personalize outreach at scale
Uncover new market opportunities
Enhance customer understanding

Ready to harness the power of premium B2B and B2C data?